October 8, 2024

Discovering My Albanian Roots: A Journey with OriginAL

By Gjovani Cinari
Born and raised in England, with Albanian roots in Shkoder, Albania

Growing up as part of the Albanian diaspora in England, I always felt connected to Albania, visiting often and proudly embracing my roots in Shkoder. But when I embarked on the OriginAL programme, I realised there was so much more to discover. This journey was more than a chance to explore Albania and Kosovo—it was an opportunity to reconnect with my heritage on a deeper level, alongside fellow Albanians from across the globe.

When I first applied for the 2024 cohort, I didn’t know what to expect. I was excited but also nervous about spending two weeks with people I had never met. However, from the moment I joined the WhatsApp group, my excitement grew. Seeing participants from the US, Germany, Switzerland, and so many other countries made me realise the incredible diversity within our shared Albanian identity. We were all coming together for one purpose: to rediscover our roots.

Tirana: The Journey Begins

Our journey began in Tirana, where we were welcomed with open arms. The Germin team set the tone right away, making sure we felt at home. We started with an initiation circle, sharing fun facts and our hopes for the journey ahead. What struck me the most was how quickly we all bonded, as though we had known each other for years. We weren’t just participants in a programme—we were family.

Our first few days in Tirana were filled with discovery. We explored the capital’s rich history, including visiting the Bunk’Art Museum, where we learned about the dark years of Albania’s communist past under Enver Hoxha. Walking through the tunnels and seeing the remnants of that era was both chilling and eye-opening. I realised how little I knew about Albania’s recent history, and it made me appreciate the resilience of the Albanian people even more.

We also had our first group activity with Beta Plan, where we participated in fun challenges designed to help us get to know each other better. It was a great way to break the ice and bond as a group. That evening, we attended a panel session featuring successful members of the Albanian diaspora who had returned to Albania to start businesses. Their stories were inspiring, especially hearing about the challenges they faced moving back and how they overcame obstacles to build thriving companies. It gave me hope and reinforced my own desire to one day contribute to Albania’s growth.

Exploring Berat and Vlora: A Deeper Connection

From Tirana, we travelled to Berat, a city known for its stunning Ottoman architecture and deep historical significance. One of the highlights was our visit to the Nurellari Winery, where we met the family that runs the winery and learned about their journey to export Albanian wine across Europe. Hearing about their success gave me a sense of pride in the potential of Albanian businesses.

In Berat, we also had the opportunity to learn traditional Valle dancing—a moment I will never forget. As someone who isn’t that good at Valle, I was a bit nervous, but fellow participants helped guide me through the steps, and soon enough, we were all dancing and singing together. It felt like a true celebration of our heritage, especially when Ardit, a participant from the US, played the tupan (a traditional Albanian drum). The energy and joy in that moment were contagious.

Our journey continued to Vlora, where we visited the National Museum and learned about the city’s pivotal role in Albania’s independence from the Ottoman Empire. It was here that I really felt the weight of Albania’s history and the sacrifices made by those who fought for freedom. We also enjoyed some lighter moments, such as a ferry ride to Karaburun and Sazan island, where we sang and danced together, connecting even more as a group.

Shkoder: A Personal Connection

One of the most emotional parts of the trip for me was visiting my hometown, Shkoder. I was proud to show the group where I’m from, and I was particularly moved when we visited the Museum of Witness and Memory, which focuses on the resistance to Albania’s communist regime. Seeing the cells where political prisoners were held and learning about their fight against oppression was an emotional experience, not just for me, but for the entire group. We ended the day sitting in a park, reflecting on our journey so far. As we shared our thoughts, it was clear that we had grown closer as a group, bound by the experiences we had shared.

Kosovo: Resilience and Inspiration

Leaving Albania behind, we crossed into Kosovo—a place I had never visited before, but had always felt connected to. Our first stop was Gjakova, where we enjoyed the local dish “samun me suxhuk” and learned about the city’s history and its recovery from the war. What touched me most was discovering the historical ties between Gjakova and Shkoder, two cities connected through trade and education.

In Peja, we heard from an Albanian war veteran who shared his personal experiences of fighting for Kosovo’s independence. His stories of sacrifice and unity were incredibly moving, reminding us of the price paid for freedom. We also had the privilege of hiking the Rugova Mountains with Mrika Nikçi, the youngest woman to complete the 7-peak challenge. Her determination and achievements were an inspiration to all of us, and the hike was a powerful metaphor for the journey we were on together—supporting each other every step of the way.

In Prizren, we visited the League of Prizren and the Krusha e Madhe memorial. Meeting Miradije Ramadani, a war survivor who now runs Vigani Foods, was one of the most powerful experiences of the trip. Her story of resilience and rebuilding after losing her family in the war was heartbreaking yet inspiring. She has turned her tragedy into a mission, creating jobs and helping her community through her business. Her strength left a lasting impression on all of us.

Another emotional moment came when we visited the Jashari Family Memorial in Prekaz. Learning about Adem Jashari and his family’s heroic stand during the Kosovo War was incredibly moving. Sitting with Sala Jashari, Adem’s niece, and hearing her speak about her family’s legacy was something I will never forget.

Pristina: Closing the Journey

Our journey concluded in Pristina, where we explored the capital city and visited key landmarks like the National Library, the Heroinat Memorial, and the Newborn Monument. We also participated in DITA E SOLIDARITETIT, a volunteer programme organised by Doka, where we worked with local businesses, with all proceeds going to charity. It was a rewarding way to give back to the community that had welcomed us so warmly.

The final night was bittersweet. We had a farewell party with the Germin team and past participants from previous cohorts, sharing stories and reflecting on the incredible journey we had all been on. The next morning, we gathered in a circle, writing personal notes to each other—a final, emotional moment that brought the journey full circle.

Gjovani Diaspora Discussions: Capturing Stories Through Interviews

One of the unexpected yet deeply rewarding aspects of my journey with OriginAL was the opportunity to interview the majority of the group. What started as a simple icebreaker—using my camera and microphone to get to know people—turned into something much more meaningful. When I mentioned that I work as the Marketing and Business Development Coordinator for Young Professionals and create TikTok content, my curiosity about my role sparked conversations. People naturally wanted to be involved, and soon the interviews became a way to dig deeper into the experiences of the Albanian diaspora.

Some of these interviews lasted over 20 minutes, as participants opened up about their personal journeys, the challenges they’ve faced as Albanians living abroad, and what this trip meant to them. Hearing these stories gave me a new perspective on our shared heritage, and I felt incredibly grateful to the group for trusting me with their thoughts and experiences.

What started as casual conversations has now evolved into the Gjovani Diaspora Discussions, a series that we’ve launched on OriginAL’s Instagram account. Through this series, you’ll be able to see the interviews I had with group members, where they share their unique stories about life as part of the Albanian diaspora. It’s a project I’m proud of, and I hope it gives others a glimpse into the richness of our community.

A Journey that Changed Me

Looking back on my time with OriginAL, I realise that this journey wasn’t just about rediscovering my heritage—it was about personal growth, connection, and understanding. I learned more about Albanian history, culture, and resilience than I ever could have imagined. But perhaps more importantly, I formed deep, lasting friendships with people who, like me, are proud to call themselves Albanian.

The Germin team deserves endless gratitude for making this all possible. Their attention to detail, from the professional photographers and videographers who captured every moment, to the daily updates that kept our families informed, allowed us to focus entirely on being present in the experience. It was clear that their mission—connecting Albanians around the world—is something they live and breathe.

To anyone in the Albanian diaspora, I can’t recommend the OriginAL programme enough. It’s a life-changing experience that will leave you with a deeper understanding of your roots, lasting friendships, and a renewed sense of pride in your heritage. I’m forever grateful for this journey, and I know it has shaped the person I am today. 🇦🇱❤️


🎙️Gjovani discusses Diaspora (2) with his fellows of the 5th generation of OriginAL held in July 2024. 🌍✨ OriginALs talking about their expectations before the program. #Albaniandiaspora #original #findyourroots #diaspora #albania #kosova #roots #heritage #series #gjovanidiscussesdiaspora @Gjovani 🇦🇱

♬ original sound – OriginAL
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Application will open on May 25th, 2022.

Aplikimi hapet më datë 25 Maj, 2022.